Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Im so sad to leave you all, but i am also excited for our new adventures that are now beginning. We have become very close and knowledgable these past 2 months and i will never forget this wonderful experience! I wish you all the best of luck. Each and everyone of you is an amazing person and montessori guide. You will all make a wonderful difference in the lives of the children you touch! We will all keep in touch and hopefully stay close and reunite in december! I know i will be looking forward to it

Monday, July 27, 2009

Dedicated to you all....

In you, there are no limitations
- only expansion.
In you, there are no separations
- only harmony.
In you, there are no rejections
- only nurturance.
In you, there are no deprivations
- only abundance.
In you, there are no stagnations
- only growth.
In you, there are no afflictions
- only healing.
In you, there are no manifestations
which are not born of Love.

-author unknown

One more thing...

So that we can see you and your profile on the blog you need to become a "follower" of the blog. On the left side of the blog is a section that says "followers" simply sign up to be a follower so that you and your profile show up here and we can all look at how pretty you are!

How to Blog...

I realize that many of you are new to blogging (including me!). So here are a few things I know that make it easier. When you want to write something on the blog you need to click the link "New Post" When you are at the home page or "dashboard" (the screen you see when you every time you first sign in to blogger) there is a blue button that says "New Post." When you are viewing the blog the "New Post" link is on the top right of the screen. Once you click on "New Blog" there will be a place to enter a title and then a text box for your message. Simply write and click "publish post." To add pictures to your post there is a button on the top right of the text box that looks like a picture, click on that and then you can upload pictures. Next to the picture button is a video button if you get really ambitious. Once people start posting you might want to comment respond on someones blog instead of writing your own. To do this, you need to view the blog and click on the title of the post you want to comment on. Then at the bottom of the post there is a comment text box were you can write your comments.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions!

The best class Ever!!


Welcome to "THE BLOG"
We can all write on the blog and share pictures!
Here's to lifelong friendships!!!